Diesel New Storeオープンにあたり、RihannaやKanye Westのクリエイティブディレクションで知られるイギリス出身のマルチメディアアーティストSimon Henwoodと、Lady GagaやKaty Perryなど世界中のセレブから絶大な支持を受けるスウェーデン出身のジュエリーデザイナーFannie Schiavoniのビッグなコラボレーション展をNew Diesel Art Galleryにて開催。
The first collaborative exhibition of internationally notable talents of today for New Diesel Art Gallery, Simon Henwood and Fannie Schiavoni titled “Black Sun”. Black Sun is a collaboration between Simon Henwood, a multimedia artist based in London who is also a creative director, for Rihanna and Kanye West - directing and designing their tours and videos, and Fannie Schiavoni, a jewelry designer from Sweden currently based in London, whose works are endorsed by major artists like Lady Gaga, Rihanna, and Katy Perry.
2010.11.20 - 2011.2.13