Yeah Yeah Yeahsのカリスマ的ヴォーカル、Karen Oの衣装を手がけるコスチュームデザイナー Christian Joyの日本初エキシビションを開催。
2002年~2012年のKaren Oのコスチュームの展示に加え、ビデオインスタレーションやテキスタイル作品、ポスター作品を公開。
The first solo exhibition of Christian Joy in Japan, who is known for her stage costume designs for Yeah Yeah Yeah's charismatic lead singer, Karen O. Christian Joy is one of the internationally notable talents of today in the fashion industry.
In addition to Karen's costumes from 2002 - 2012, There were also video installations and textile and poster artworks showing at the gallery.
2012.5.18 - 2012.8.10