解体前のフランス大使館の旧庁舎を解放し、屋内外のあらゆる空間に50組以上の日仏アーティストの作品を展示するという大規模な展覧会。Jules Julienは、事務室の1部屋にて、「アイデンティティー」をテーマに無数のインスタレーションとドローイングを展開する。
After the French Embassy's relocation, its former offices is now a venue for "NO MAN'S LAND" exhibition, bringing together world famous as well as emerging artists from France and Japan. The works, most of which created on the premise, invade spaces both inside and outside of the remaining buildings: offices, corridors, libraries, stairs, basement, gardens... Jules Julien shows his new works of installation + drawings in one of the office rooms.